Multi-State Payroll Compliance: Navigating Withholding, Nexus, and Unemployment Taxes

March 06, 2025
01:00 PM ET | 12:00 PM CT
90 Mins
Debbie Cash
IRS CPE Credits: 1 Tax hour
March 06, 2025
01:00 PM ET | 12:00 PM CT
90 Mins
Debbie Cash
IRS CPE Credits: 1 Tax hour

Simplifying Complex Payroll Tax Rules Across Multiple States for Employers

Many companies who do business in more than one State do not understand how to determine which State they must pay taxes to. They also do not understand that each State has different laws regarding residents and non-residents. This webinar by payroll tax expert speaker Debbie Cash, CPP  will provide you with guidelines on what factors determine which tax the employer must withhold. It will explain the differences between residents and non-residents and how to properly report withholding for both these types of employees.  You’ll find out whether your business has Business Nexus and what that means to you. No employer wants to face huge fines and penalties for failing to be in compliance with State laws and regulations so this webinar will help you know if you are in compliance and what to do if you are not.

Besides State withholding, there are also local taxes in certain areas. Some States have local taxes for larger cities and others have them for every locality. You are responsible for making sure you are properly withholding for these localities, and you have to know where and when to pay these taxes. You will be given helpful websites to find detailed information on withholding for these taxes and where to pay them.

Employees have to be paid at least the federal Minimum Wage. However, there are also State minimum wages and sometimes those amounts are higher than the Federal Minimum wage. Whichever wage is higher is what the employee must be paid. Debbie will go over this in detail and discuss how to know which wage to pay your employees to comply.

When employees work in Multiple States you have to determine where their State Unemployment must be paid to. There are guidelines to follow to determine where these taxes are paid. This will be outlined in detail and examples will be given of different scenarios and how to handle them.

The material covered in this webinar will give you the tools necessary to make sure your business remains in compliance with all of these things.

Webinar Objectives

Does your business have employees who work in different States?  Are you only withholding and paying payroll taxes for the State you are located in?  Many companies don’t even realize that they should be paying taxes to other States or localities. Even if you don’t have a physical presence or location in another State, it doesn’t mean you aren’t subject to withholding for that State.  This is called Business Nexus, and you will want to know if your business has it.  This session will define what Business Nexus is and what is required if you have it.

Multi-state taxes can be very complex and hard to understand. Making sure you are in compliance is difficult. If you are unsure if you are withholding everything you need to withhold then you will want to attend this webinar.  Debbie will cover the fundamentals of the different types of withholdings and unemployment you will need to be aware of.  Debbie will discuss how to determine which State to withhold taxes for and other things to consider. 

When employees work in more than 1 State you may be unsure which State to pay Unemployment to. The rules to determine this can be confusing and you may not be aware of how to even make this determination. If an employee terminates and files for unemployment in their home state you run the risk of receiving penalties if you have not filed wages to the correct State for unemployment benefits.  Attending this webinar will give you guidance on how to make the correct determination.

Webinar Agenda
  • Income Tax Withholding
  • State Unemployment Insurance
  • Wage & Hour Issues
  • Local Taxes
Webinar Highlights
  • Define when and why state law takes precedence over federal law.
  • Explain the concept of Nexus and determine if it applies to your company.
  • Identify and compare state minimum wage rates across jurisdictions.
  • Recognize the correct state for paying unemployment taxes based on your business operations.
Who Should Attend

Payroll Professionals, Owners, Accountants, CFO, Tax Professionals, Bookkeepers

IRS CPE Credits: 1 Tax hour

Event Registration

Debbie Cash

Debbie Cash

Debbie Cash, CPP is a Manager of TLM Implementation at G&A Partners. She was formerly a Payroll Tax/Time and Attendance Specialist at Employer Advantage LLC. Debbie earned an Associate's Degree in Accounting from MSSU in 1985 and a Bachelor's Degree in General Business from MSSU in 2006. She obtained her Certified Payroll Professional Certification in October 2006. She has 30+ years of experience processing payroll and payroll taxes for various different companies and professions. Debbie worked as a Payroll Specialist at Missouri Southern State University from 1993 to March 2006. She attended the International Tax Conference in Wisconsin in 2005 and specialized in...
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